RTBU calls for disbanding of TfNSW
Members have contacted the PSA regarding the recently published comments by the Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW Branch calling for the “disbanding of Transport for NSW (TfNSW)”.
In a bizarre tirade against TfNSW workers and union members, they have called TfNSW “archaic” and that is has “proven time and again that’s its simply not up to the task of running of our transport network safely”. The RTBU is claiming the new Transport Minister needs to “disband TfNSW in their first 100 days”.
The PSA will fight the RTBU plan
We all know any proposal to disband a Public Service agency would mean mass job losses in the name of “efficiency”.
Any proposal to remove a Public Service agency from the state-based NSW Industrial Relations Commission to the Federal Industrial Relations System and its Enterprise Bargaining and the ‘Fair Work’ Commission would undoubtedly result in worse conditions for TfNSW workers.
The call to disband TfNSW comes at the same time as the RTBU bargain its Enterprise Agreement in Sydney Trains, a process which remains ongoing.
The PSA reminds members that we are not a part of the current rail dispute, as we don’t have coverage of employees working for Sydney Trains.
The PSA is the union for the Public Sector
The Public Service Association will always fight for a strong NSW Public Service – it’s in our name – and fight against any proposal to disband it, whether they be proposals put forward by governments, or demands put forward by RTBU.