Schools Bulletin end of term 4 2023 - Public Service Association

Schools Bulletin end of term 4 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy School Holidays

The PSA General Secretary, Delegates and Staff would like to congratulate you on the work you have done this year.  Enjoy Your Break and Stay Safe.

Schools Temporary Workforce transition project

Tranche 1 – as you are aware approx. 17000 school temporary staff have been made offers of permanency via a 9 phase process since May 2023. That’s almost 8000 non teaching staff. A big win for PSA members.

Tranche 2 – the PSA and NSW Teachers Federation have been involved in discussions as to the next phase of this process to offer as many remaining temporary school staff permanent positions as soon as possible. This is important in terms of school workforce planning and resolving the current staffing crisis for teaching and support staff. The PSA position is that the criteria for tranche 2 of the TWT project should be that staff should have 3 years continuous service with the department of education up to the end of 2023 school year.

As yet the criteria for offers of permanency through tranche 2 have not been finalised. The department has indicated it is still reviewing its school workforce data for temporary staff. The department will meet again with Unions in early 2024 with a revised proposal. Finalisation of tranche 2 criteria is anticipated early term 1 2024. A bulletin will be sent to members once the proposal for further offers of permanency has been agreed and finalised.

I am still temporary what should I do?

 If you have 3 years continuous service (without any breaks) up until the end of 2023 then, please gather all your contracts and download your service history from the SAP portal. Keep this information to support any review request. If for any reason once tranche 2 of the TWT process is active you do not receive an offer then you will be able to seek a review. Details of how this will happen will be circulated during term 1 2024. If you are advised you are not eligible for an offer during tranche 2 and you consider that you meet the criteria contact the PSA Member Support Centre 1800 772 679.

Short Term Temporary and Long Term Temporary staff Definitions

 It is obvious from feedback from members during the TWT phased process that some temporary staff have been offered contracts in breach of the SASS award. The following information clarifies how members should be employed as temporary staff.

Long Term Temporary (LTT) staff

Long Term Temporary staff are employed in schools and work a regular pattern of hours, either full time or part time for a minimum of one school term.

LTT staff have the same conditions of employment and rates of pay as permanent staff.

Short Term Temporary (STTs) staff

Short Term Temporary staff (STT) are employed in schools, either on a full time or part time basis, for a period of less than one school term.

Once a STT staff member is employed for more than 10 consecutive weeks (not counting schools holiday period) they should be converted to a Long Term Temporary (LTT).  This is a requirement of the award and cannot be avoided.

You should ask your Manager if you are not converted to LTT after completing one term’s employment with the DoE.

Casual Employees

There is no casual employment under your Award. Those referred to as casuals will most likely be employed as a STT. You should check with your Principal or Manager.

See Award definitions and DoE Handbook for Non-Teaching Staff for full details on employment contracts.

Payment of First Aid and Administration of Medications allowances – 5 Facts for SAS Staff

The PSA is aware that there is still some confusion around the Statements of Duties in relation to First Aid and Administration of Medications.

Members are reminded that:

  1. Not all SAS Staff at a school must do first aid or administer medications, you only need to do it if your principal requires you to.
  2. All SAS Staff that are required to undertake these duties MUST be trained and MUST be in receipt of the allowance.
  3. Only those staff receiving the allowance should undertake the duties.
  4. If you are not being paid the allowance or have not been trained do not undertake these duties.

School Learning Support officers – Student Health Support

 Please note that any PSA member appointed to these roles must be trained and certified to provide Student Health Support. Members also are expected to provide First Aid and Administration of Medications as an SLSO SHS. The role was placed within the School Administrative Support staff award as part of the 2019 Award settlement. This role attracts a separate higher hourly rate to compensate for the performance of these duties.

Professional Learning and Development Non Teaching Staff

 With the election of the Minns government in May the Education Department Secretary committed to additional meetings with the PSA, Chief People Officer and Director, Learning, People Culture and Capability to deal with outstanding Professional learning and Training issues highlighted by PSA Schools delegates.

 The following Learning and Development initiatives and proposals have been released or are planned for 2024 –

 Choose your own Learning Adventure DoE intranet:

  • Choose your Learning Adventure online platform launched on 23/11 for school Education Non teaching staff and corporate Education School support (NTS & ESS staff).
  • Platform supports NTS & ESS staff to create personalised learning plans in an accessible and user-friendly manner, at their own pace.
  • Staff will be able to find quality learning options and focus on the skills and knowledge that matter most to their professional goals.
  • The current tool is a WIP, initially created based on the top 4 common learning needs identified across the department for NTS & ESS:
  • Further topics & enhancements will be added progressively

 Learning Roadshow 2024:

  • The department will be piloting a new initiative that will bring a range of face-to-face professional learning to NTS in rural, regional, and metro schools.
  • These sessions will be coupled with opportunities for networking with SASS colleagues in their local area.
  • Topics include (based on staff feedback):
  • staff wellbeing
  • trauma informed practice
  • tools and technology

 Pilot locations in Term 1 2024 include:

  • Coffs Harbour, 19 March
  • Grafton, 20 March
  • Glen Innes, 21 March
  • Orange, 19 March
  • Forbes, 20 March
  • Cowra, 21 March

Check Staff Notice Board for details.

 If Term 1 pilot is a success, here are the proposed locations for Term 2:

  • Broken Hill
  • Wilcannia
  • Cobar
  • Central Coast
  • Sydney City
  • Campbelltown

The cost for schools is $70 per person (cost recovery basis), covering the full day of professional learning with morning tea and lunch provided.

PSA delegates and Industrial staff will be given an opportunity to attend and participate.

Schools Cleaning Service Review

 PSA staff and delegates are currently participating in a review of the contract arrangements for cleaning services in NSW public schools. Stakeholders in the review include Teacher’s Federation and the United Workers Union who are both represented by delegates and industrial staff as well as representatives from DoE, Schools Infrastructure NSW and Treasury. Meetings of the review group are chaired by the Parliamentary Secretary for Education. The review is in the very early stages and will continue into 2024. Updates will be provided as the review continues.


The PSA and delegates remain in consultation with DOE regarding the issues identified in the use of Simplified School Budget including workload but equally the improvements that are needed to the current platform. We will update members further from the meetings in term 1.

The PSA wishes you all a safe vacation period. 

 PSA Industrial staff

Julie-Ann Bond Industrial Manager
Greg Shaw Senior Industrial Officer
Sharny Chalmers Industrial Officer
Ann Attwater Organiser
Marisa Bosco Organiser
Susan Chee Quee Organiser
Alison Crittenden Organiser
Peta Noke GA Organiser

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