Schools payroll bulletin
Schools payroll bulletin – April 2018 (PDF version)
Members may be aware of Queensland Health’s experiences when it recently rolled out a new payroll system. At face value, despite the Department’s best endeavours, it seems a similar débâcle is occurring in the 32 schools.
Members in the 32 schools that are currently subject to the new SAP/HR Payroll system have reported significant problems with the new system. Some of the feedback reported by SAS Staff members in the 32 schools includes:
- some third-party payments are not being successfully processed. This includes superannuation payments not being credited/received by the funds
- a greater administrative burden being placed on PSA members employed in the 32 schools – they are spending days on end with the new system trying to get pays processed. The Department advised on a number of occasions any additional bureaucratic impost on SAS Staff members would be minimal. This is not the experience of SAS Staff in the 32 schools as conveyed to delegates
- their schools “budget (is) shot because of back end things happening”. This includes temporary employees not being paid in some circumstances. Wage payments are being taken from incorrect school budget funds
- substantial feedback about the inadequacy of the training the Department is providing. SAS Staff members in the 32 schools report that training is more like a “show and tell” session rather than practical hands on training in exploring and practicing on the new system.
These problems will be exacerbated once half of NSW schools are put onto the new system next month.
What is also regrettable about SAP/HR Payroll débâcle is that PSA members in EdConnect are also under extreme pressure and struggling to support these 32 schools. This is now being reflected in negative feedback from members about their experiences with EdConnect not coming back with timely advice.
The PSA asks affected members in schools to please consider their colleagues in EdConnect. Don’t forget, they are working hard to support you and are having difficulties of their own courtesy of the new SAP/HR payroll transition.
The PSA has sought an urgent meeting with the Department to discuss these issues facing members in the 32 schools. The meeting with the Department will occur at 11:00am on Friday 13 April 2018.
Once the meeting with the Department has been held, the PSA will provide a report back bulletin on any outcomes to members on the afternoon of Friday 13 April 2018.