Schools Temporary Workforce Transition update
The Schools Temporary Workforce Transition (TWT) is now occurring in your area.
As from 2 May 2023 Principals of several phase groups of schools have been contacted and provided a list of staff eligible for an offer of permanency. The remaining groups will be contacted as outlined in the implementation schedule to be shared through the departments Staff Noticeboard up until August 2023.
School-based employees, including teachers and all support staff, are eligible if they meet all of the following criteria:
- have worked in the same school on a temporary basis for three years or more at the same classification by the end of 2022
- are engaged in a 12-month contract with that school for 2023
- meet the standard requirements for permanent employment.
There is a dedicated team in place to support the implementation of this initiative. If you have any questions, please contact the Temporary Workforce Transition team through the online inquiry form or by emailing .
If a member has a reply by email that confirms that you will not be made an offer of permanency and you dispute the advice, please contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 for advice and assistance.
On the 6 June 2023 the Acting Education Secretary wrote to the PSA to advise the following update in relation to the TWT project.
The department responded to the PSA representations on behalf of non-teaching staff regarding the potential expansion of eligibility criteria under the Temporary Workforce Transition project.
The department confirmed that it will commence work in Term 3 2023 to review. further eligibility requirements for a Tranche 2 of the Temporary Workforce Transition project. This work will examine the feasibility and scale of expanding eligibility for those temporary teachers and support staff in schools (full or part-time) who have given continuous service for three years or more in the public education system as at the end of 2022 and have committed to a further 12-month temporary engagement. for 2023.
Offers of permanent employment to a new cohort of current temporary staff (as part of Tranche 2) will commence in Term 1 2024.
The PSA will be negotiating the further eligibility requirements for Tranche 2. The PSA position is that temporary employees should have 3 years continuous service with the Department up until end of 2022.
Once the revised criteria are available the PSA will circulate for members’ consideration.
Remember during the TWT process when your school’s phase is operating eligible staff will be made an offer of permanency. If you have not been identified and made an offer, but believe you should be transitioned, members need to contact the PSA Member Support team on 1800 774 679 or email .
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PSA Industrial staff
Julie-Ann Bond Industrial Manager
Greg Shaw Senior Industrial Officer
Sharny Chalmers Industrial Officer
Ann Attwater Organiser
Marisa Bosco Organiser
Susan Chee Quee Organiser
Alison Crittenden Organiser
Peta Noke GA Organiser