SIRA Dispute Resolution Services restructure – Departments responses to PSA Questions
In response to the questions raised by the PSA from our members meeting on 9 February 2021 [click here – PSA bulletin 11 February] the Departments Senior HR Advisor has provided the following responses to the PSA:
- Voluntary Redundancies
Point 10 is correct. A ‘Voluntary Redundancy’ program will not be part of this RMP. I will include a FAQ around this in the next stage to make clear the difference between a formal VR `program’ and the process which follows an employee being declared excess. We will also alert business representatives undertaking any staff briefings of the possible confusion this may have caused.
- Consultation with affected staff
Both People and Culture and the DRS Executive virtually met with all staff/cohorts that were deemed to have an impact prior to the all staff announcement on Thursday. Following on from this, People and Culture and the DRS Executive virtually met with all remaining staff. Manager and Team leader briefings have also occurred. I believe the business is also conducting follow up meetings with individual cohorts as well as the DRS Executive and People and Culture responding to individual requests for clarification.
All staff have been reminded that this is only a ‘proposed structure’ and we are currently requesting feedback on the proposed design, numbers and role descriptions. Once the final RMP and structure is confirmed additional meetings will be held with those individuals and cohorts with a confirmed impact.
- Additional Support
All staff have access to a range of training programs on My Career. Resume and cover letter writing courses are online as well as courses designed to assist in the interview phase. These courses are accessible to all staff. I will ask the Executive to include this point in future correspondence.
- Independent Review
Due to the commercial in confidence nature of the contents of the report, we will not be releasing the report. Whilst the report has been used to inform the proposed RMP, the business would like to focus on feedback from staff and the PSA to guide the final structure.
- Role Descriptions
The Department has provided copies of all Role Descriptions to the PSA. If members have had any issues accessing a requested RD you are welcome to contact the PSA Industrial Officer by email.
- Temporary Employment Roles/Contracts
All current temporary employment contracts within DRS have been extended through to 30 June 2021. Staff have been verbally offered this extension and the business are in the process of having extension letters issued to staff. As with all temporary employment contracts these will be reviewed and should there be a need, further extensions will be offered where compliant.
Close of consultation 19 February 2021
If members have any further concerns in response to the issues above or other issues that have not yet been raised, please contact the Industrial Officer by email at prior to this close of consultation on 19 February 2021.
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