State Emergency Service organisational transformation – May 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA held a delegate teleconference on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 to discuss the Organisational Transformation and the key issues tabled included the following:
- The current payment of Field Allowance
- The proposed location of roles within NSW SES
- The release of role descriptions
- The accommodation for Metropolitan with concerns raised of future location.
We need to firstly state to members who have the Field Allowance paid that there is no agreement between NSW SES and the PSA on removing this payment and we remain in dispute in preserving this provision for our members, as per the Award.
The PSA is also seeking, as outlined by NSW SES via email dated 23 April 2018, that all documents are provided to members. These include:
- Location of new roles
- Role descriptions
- And that the consultation period which currently stands at 21 days – 23 May 2018 is extended for a further 21 days upon receipt of the above.
Members, to ensure that we are able to represent your issues, if there are other matters that have not been covered we ask you to forward this to the PSA noting that all matters are confidential to: