State Records – SARA realignment consultation
State Records – SARA realignment consultation – September 2018 (PDF version)
PSA Industrial staff spoke with a handful of members at the SARA BBQ last week and it was unsettling that some members were expressing concern at what they consider likely changes to their roles which may include in some cases more duties and possible pay reductions.
Where there is workplace change that impacts upon PSA members, the PSA needs to be fully consulted so that we can advocate on your behalf.
The PSA advises members that we have sought formal consultation with management (which will include any and all documentation relating to the realignment, including current and proposed role descriptions, org charts and any other relevant materials) to begin early next week.
Management has now agreed to meet after the Public Holiday, however, has not yet provided us with any official documents.
Members will be kept updated.
Please forward your concerns regarding the realignment to your local delegate: