TestSafe: Election of Health and Safety Representatives
Your union met on 23 November 2022 with management in relation to the election of Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs). In attendance were local Delegate Jaison Davis and Industrial Officer Phoebe Dangerfield.
We advised management that our survey of members showed a majority supported two HSRs and two Work Groups. Management’s survey appeared to show a preference for only one Work Group and one HSR. While we were able to get them to agree that two HSRs would be acceptable, we could not shift them on the number of Work Groups. Management remains unconvinced that it is possible to make a clean division of the workforce into two groups.
Accordingly, and in keeping with the legislation, the PSA will now seek the support of the Resources Regulator to make a binding decision in the matter.
In other news, Organiser Ben James, who attended our last on-site meeting, has moved to another area of the PSA. While we are sad to see him go, we are pleased to announce that our new Organiser, Peter Clark, is now onboard and will be in touch soon to organise a meeting schedule for 2023.