The vote on the pay equity package closes TODAY – Have you had your say?
The vote on the 19 per cent pay increase closes today at 5pm.
The PSA, the Schools DC Executive and our Legal Team all urge you to vote to ACCEPT this package.
If you have not read all the documentation necessary, please do so prior to voting.
You can watch the broadcast again HERE.
Members can read the bulletin HERE.
You can access the Frequently Asked Questions document HERE.
We encourage all members to read our Barrister David Chin’s statement HERE.
Thank you to those of you that have taken the opportunity to vote on this landmark deal, the input of members is vital and supports the work of the PSA. To ensure that members have a genuine say we have explained every element of the package, both good and bad, and have ensured members get a proper vote.
If you have not voted yet you have until 5pm to have your voices heard.
The PSA, its legal team and the Executive of the Schools DC looked carefully at the package we had negotiated and on balance this is a very good result.
Increases over three years of from 19 per cent to 35.8 per cent is an unprecedented outcome that we are happy to recommended to members to accept. If members vote to accept this package it will be a massive WIN not only for SAS Staff but for the PSA and for women in NSW.
The PSA is due to attend a hearing on 13 September where we are required to report back on the outcome of the vote so that the new Award can be finalised by the Commission.
Member before Tuesday and didn’t get the voting email?
There are a number of reasons why this could have happened. You may have unsubscribed to PSA emails previously, not provided us with an email address when you joined, the email has gone to your junk folder or there has been an error when your email was input into the database.
Contact "> and we will forward you your member number and the bulletin so you can vote.
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