TMC Update
Over the past two weeks your union, the PSA has continued to meet with TMC management to discuss a vast array of issues concerning your workplace.
The purpose of these meetings is to try and provide a forum where the PSA can raise issues directly from the membership so that hopefully they can be resolved at the local level as quickly as possible.
Key items discussed at recent meetings:
- The issue of staff shortages and recruitment. Management have subsequently given commitments that recruitment for vacant positions is due to begin as soon as possible.
- The recruitment of an 8th TIO to be added to the roster has been talked about. Management have confirmed with the PSA that this would have been looked at earlier if not for problems with continual staff turnover.
- The status of the incumbents in abolished Deputy Duty manager positions has been discussed. The issue of what opportunities are available to them moving forward inclusive of job swaps and how these processes will be managed. This is an ongoing discussion.
- The new role descriptions for the duty manager positions were discussed along with the feedback TfNSW received from staff and feedback the PSA received from members. The process will likely take some time to be finalised; the PSA will continue to engage with members on this issue.
- The issue of RAT and whether these tests are to be taken on work time has been a long standing issue at the TMC and the PSA will continue to work for positive solutions as the situation with testing evolves. Feedback has been given that the introduction of RAT has continued to pick up cases before they enter the building.
- The People Matter Survey results have continued to be discussed, including the idea of a staff working group to address issues moving forward. If members have any ideas about how TfNSW can address these results we would like to hear from you.
- A roster review is due to take place with the DDM position now abolished and additional positions added as ICMP roles now part of the TOR. The PSA will look to engage in consultation around any proposed changes.
- The issue of MOC’s learning TOC’s roles as a contingency plan in the event of further staff shortages in the TMC has been raised. This decision to undertake training was first raised with the PSA in the last week. While we do not want to stand in the way of any development opportunities for individuals we also want to ensure that employees are not forced to work outside of their scope of duties and that ultimately any work completed is at grade. The two different awards make this more difficult. Further we do not want these sorts of arrangements to be utilised as way to cover ongoing staff shortages. While consultation did not occur prior to this training taking place the PSA is eager to hear from members around this issue.
- Management indicated that transport is keen to do a full refurbishment of the TMC in the near future in order to make it more fit for purpose moving forward.
If you have any concerns with the above items or have other items you would like added to the agenda for future meetings, please feel free to send them through to your organiser Ben James, E: or alternatively 0438 485 535.