Transport Management Centre: Continued consultation and rostering
The PSA has continued to meet with Transport Management Centre (TMC) management to discuss issues occurring in your workplace. Most recently, we met on 10 February 2022 and discussed the following items:
- Recruitment has been a standing item in these meetings. We understand staff shortages are having an impact on members. We are happy to advise that recruitment should be commencing within the next week.
- Developing a framework for the emergency use of MOCs for TOC work. As already expressed, the PSA wants to see development opportunities provided to members, but when these opportunities arise, we want to ensure those opportunities are provided in an industrially sound manner. The main concerns expressed by the PSA were that:
- those in the MOCs roles were not going to be forced to do the training or undertake TOC work
- where there are differences in Award and the pay rates are higher, the correct industrial instrument is applied
- training adequately prepares the individual for the work they will undertake
- it is not a plan to fill ongoing vacancies.
These discussions will be ongoing; we have been assured any use was not intended to be ongoing.
- PMES survey results remained on the agenda. We understand TMC management has sent out an expression of interest for a working party with employee representatives. The working party aims to develop strategies to improve the culture within the TMC. Being on the working party is an opportunity for members to influence and improve the culture at the TMC. If members have suggestions for how there can be a cultural shift, please reach out to the PSA, your manager or consider joining the working party.
- The PSA raised the absence of development opportunities within the TMC. There was an acknowledgement from management there was a need to refocus on providing development opportunities. We understand management training will soon be made available for members in the TMC to apply for through training and development.
The PSA continues to meet with TMC management to resolve the above and any emerging workplace issues. If you have any concerns or problems, please let the PSA know you can complete this survey HERE or contact PSA Organiser Ben James.
The PSA has received some feedback from members that the rostering has become an issue, particularly fatigue resulting from the way the shifts are rostered.
The PSA considers it crucial to ensure that members have a roster that meets appropriate fatigue and WHS controls and provides members with the hours and overtime they want and can safely work.
With award negotiations about to commence imminently, we want to understand if further rostering provisions need to be negotiated by the PSA or if issues need to be raised with TMC management for a resolution. If you have any concerns about your roster or suggested improvements, complete the anonymous survey mentioned above HERE or contact your PSA Organiser, Ben James.
You can contact your PSA Organiser Ben James via or 0438 485 535. Ben will also be on-site to hold discussions with members soon.