Troubling workloads emerging: Transport for NSW put on notice - Public Service Association

Troubling workloads emerging: Transport for NSW put on notice

A few months ago, the PSA asked you to participate in a survey on workloads as a member in Transport Shared Services (TSS).  As a consequence results of the survey the PSA held meetings with members and commenced discussions with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) on the results and what they indicate.

It is our view the workload issues reported are just the tip of the iceberg.


Approximately 50 per cent of members participated in the survey; the results were reflective of members reports.

A 100 per cent of the respondents stated they were consistently completing additional hours, with 80 per cent reporting they have forfeited flex hours. A 100% of the respondents believed that workload had increased since the restructure. The increased workload reported is reflected, with approximately 67% per cent of respondents identifying they have had recently had leave declined due to operational reasons. With around 95 per cent of respondents believing the workload expectations were unrealistic.

Members’ meetings

Only a few weeks ago the PSA met with concerned members. There were many members, particularly from Payroll Integrity and Compliance who reported on the tragic effects workload is having on their mental health.

We believe the reports from Payroll Integrity and Compliance is just the beginning; Payroll has 19 employees leaving, only to be replaced by 11 new staff. There is no indication from TfNSW about how their workload is going to be handled. The PSA is extremely apprehensive about these roles leaving the organisation without a plan to ensure workloads are distributed without causing workloads to expand to untenable levels. The PSA remains unaware of such a plan.

Engagement with TfNSW

The PSA is taking steps to engage with TfNSW around our concerns. We have highlighted in our correspondence to TfNSW that:

  1. Payroll Integrity and Compliance are under-resourced, and it is not just a result of Corporate Functions. The reports coming from the area are of great concern to the PSA.
  2. Personnel & Payroll has 19 unplaced employees undertaking BAU work. There is no plan for how the remaining employees will handle processing approximately 2000 – 3000 extra employees pays on top of their current workload. And there is no plan for how payroll officers will handle the extra duties proposed to be absorbed into their roles from other areas.
  3. There is no basis for the restriction of flex to three days per settlement period. We do not accept TfNSW’s insinuation that there is not enough work.

The PSA has made specific requests of TfNSW, which are as follows:

  1. For TfNSW to adhere to its policies and retract restriction to three flex days per settlement period.
  2. Until TfNSW amends the workflow to address the impacts of the reduced headcount, the 19 unplaced employees in Personnel & Payroll are not to be declared excess.
  3. To be consulted per the Award on any changes resulting from the EY report that TfNSW commissioned.
  4. For TfNSW to confirm any action taken to address the workload in Payroll Integrity and Compliance.

We have offered to meet with TfNSW to discuss the concerns and ensure our members have acceptable workloads.

You can read the correspondence PSA has with TfNSW, including its response, HERE.

What can you do?

We know it is tempting to not record excess hours accurately. However, it is important that you do to ensure that TfNSW has knowledge of the hours being worked. If the timesheets don’t reflect the hours worked, it will continue to hide the workload issue.

As important is to discuss your workload with your manager, if you are about to forfeit hours tell your manager.  You may wonder why this is important:

  1. If they require you to keep working ask your manager to approve you carrying over more than the 30 hours per settlement period;
  2. Where there are repeated patterns of employees forfeiting hours, your manager is supposed to address this with you and formulate a plan so that you do not continue to forfeited hours.
  3. If you are regularly working in excess of eight or 10 hours discuss this with your manager.

We want to continue working with members of TSS to address the current and emerging workload issues. If you are not member of the PSA now is the time to join.

If you have any further questions around any of the content of this bulletin, feel free to reach out to your organiser Ben James at

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