WIRO members’ meeting – January 2020
A members’ meeting was held last Monday 20 January and it was well attended by PSA members and other interested WIRO staff. Ian Little, your PSA Organiser, explained the role of unions in contemporary times and how the PSA interacts with government to ensure your rights and entitlements at work and secure your annual pay rises.
Simon Cohen commenced at WIRO on 3 February. The PSA will contact him with a view to establishing quarterly Joint Consultative Committee meetings.
Discussion was held on the proposal about the Personal Injury Commission and what impact it might have on WIRO staff and operations. The PSA will seek full and open consultation regarding this issue and any further proposals.
It appears WIRO will relocate to another floor within the building. We will ask to be kept in the loop on this. If any members, particularly those with ‘reasonable adjustment’ conditions’, have concerns they should contact the PSA as soon as practical.
Last year the Solutions Team were the subject of rostering proposals. It transpires that the Solutions team may be one of only a few areas within government that rely on a Call Centre environment but which the staff do not have flexibility to work from home or remotely. Apparently the telephone system would not allow this. The PSA has numerous members who work in Call Centres with telephone systems that do cater for working from home and other remote solutions. Some queries will be made on this issue.
There is concern with the grading and classification of lawyers. This is a result of the implementation of the GSE Act in 2014. Lawyers (and professionals from other disciplines) were reclassified as Clerks under the Administrative and Clerical Award. The maximum salary of a “Legal 6” remains lower than a Grade 11/12. Members are considering how to respond to this issue.
If you have any concerns you would like to raise with the PSA, you can call the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772679.
For initial advice from a PSA member colleague contact Fiona Seaton or Margot Undercliffe in your office.
The PSA is a member-driven union and supports you in the workplace. Urge your colleagues to SIGN UP TODAY!