Your pay rise at risk: Register your demand for a pay rise this year - Public Service Association

Your pay rise at risk: Register your demand for a pay rise this year

As detailed in our previous bulletin, the full bench of the Industrial Relations Commission has set down a timetable for hearing on an interim pay rise for Transport for NSW (TfNSW) workers for 27 November 2024. This is because other members of the CTU (Combined Transport Unions) have not yet accepted the current offer of a 4 per cent immediate pay rise.

PSA members overwhelmingly voted in support of accepting the offer.

If the above timetable remains, it is highly unlikely TfNSW workers will receive a pay rise in 2024, unlike other members across the Public Sector, who are on track to receive an immediate 4 per cent pay rise.

The Commission may decide to issue a smaller increase, as has happened in other areas of the Public Sector, which have been granted an interim 3 per cent pay rise while they continue to negotiate working conditions.

Its NOT too late for an immediate pay rise

We are calling on all TfNSW workers who want an immediate 4 per cent pay rise in 2024 to sign our digital petition, urging all parties to reach agreement and set aside the current timetable for interim relief.

Go HERE to register your demand for a pay rise online.

What about ongoing negotiations on working conditions?

Negotiations are still underway for key conditions, such as flexible working arrangements. These negotiations can and will continue without the need to delay a pay rise.

Not a member?

The PSA is fighting for better pay and conditions for thousands of TfNSW employees. There has never been a more important time to join the PSA and join the campaign for an immediate pay rise. You can join today HERE.

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