School Psychologists: End-of-year wrap up - Public Service Association

School Psychologists: End-of-year wrap up

Your pay rises and back pay

During November 2024, the call went out for members to endorse the offer of 2024-2027 salary increases. The offer was voted up unanimously with 100 per cent of respondents accepting the three-year deal. We are in the process of finalising the award and it is due to be listed in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

The PSA is pleased to confirm that your 2024 pay rise has been secured, and you will receive the pay increase and back pay from 9 October 2024. For details check out our recent bulletin.

School Holidays: Flexible Working Arrangements

School Psychologists can request to work from home or a DoE office location during school holidays. The “If not, why not?” statement by the NSW Government stipulates that if an employee’s request to work flexibly is denied, the employee must be provided with reasonable reasons why not.

Since School Psychologists can perform their work effectively from home or a DoE office location, there is no reason why you should be required to work from a school during the holiday period.

If you are required or planning to work from a school site during the school holiday period, a working alone risk assessment must be conducted which considers the work as well as health and safety implications of working alone.

 Thank you from your PSA Organiser and Industrial Officer 

Thank you to everyone who took time last term to complete the PSA Survey. The results were very useful to help us formulate a plan for better member engagement moving forward.

The union sought feedback about how best to communicate with you as members, we heard your preferences and note that you like communications and meetings to be specifically about and for School Psychologists, wherever possible. We also sought feedback on your school’s work-space being fit for purpose, for you to support students with the wellbeing services School Psychologists provide. We sought your preferences for the timing and frequency of member meetings and note that most prefer Thursday afternoon meetings, at least every three months, and more often if required depending on workplace issues that may arise.

We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, as you finish up and launch into 2025.  



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