Non-Custodial PSA member bulletin
Non-Custodial PSA member bulletin October 2015 (PDF version)
The Corrective Services Non-Custodial Consultative Committee last met on 16 September 2015. The Consultative Committee is the forum where your union delegates and officials meet with management to discuss and determine the issues that affect you in your workplace. It is attended by the Assistant Commissioner Offender Management & Programs, other relevant Directors, the Non-Custodial Departmental Committee and an Industrial Advocate from the PSA.
Review of Administration and Stores
The PSA has not received any further information about the review of Administrative and Stores staff working in Correctional Centres since April 2015. This issue was raised once more by the PSA at the meeting of the JCC and again CSNSW was unable to report on the progress of the review. However, the PSA has since been called to a meeting with CSNSW, which has been scheduled for 23 October 2015.
The PSA understands this prolonged review has been the source of considerable anxiety for our members working in Correctional Centres. This is compounded by the lack of information that has come from CSNSW over the past 12 months and the rumours and mixed messages that have spread in that time in the absence of any formal communication from management. Your union will be consulted about the review before CSNSW takes any action in relation to it and we will provide you with further information as soon as it comes to hand.
The MySay survey
CSNSW has this week launched an employee survey to help improve its performance and gauge the level of staff engagement in the workplace. The PSA raised with CSNSW the concerns of our members about confidentiality and the usefulness of the survey, and we have been assured that respondents will remain anonymous and will not be able to be identified from the results. Further, CSNSW has committed to working with the PSA to develop a strategic plan to address the issues identified by staff in the survey. The survey closes on 2 November and the results are expected in December 2015.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Organise or attend a meeting at your worksite
- Check that your details at the PSA are up to date by calling the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679