FACS – NDIS mobility pathway update
FACS – NDIS mobility pathway update – March 2018 (PDF version)
Your PSA representatives met with the Department of Premier and Cabinet and NSW Industrial Relations (NSWIR) on 26 February 2018 to receive an update on the progress for members who have entered the Mobility Pathway (MP).
Currently the Mobility talent pool participant data as of 26 February 2018 shows:
649 have completed pathway activities
281 are available for matching
209 exited (see placements for breakdown).
Mobility pathway – self job search – 121
Placements – merit (with full support) – 13
Placements – FACS internal competitive process (full support) – 62
NDIA placements – 4
Total – 209
At the meeting the PSA has asked for a more detailed explanation as to what the above numbers actually mean – yet to be provided. NSWIR advised that the Mobility Pathway will be terminated at the end of June 2018.
A number of related issues have been raised with the PSA which have been referred to Employee Relations FACS for review these are:-
Filling short-tem vacancies and higher duties opportunities (TAA):
While the Mobility Pathway is active the following requirement exists across FACS for all short term vacancies less than 12 months. This extract is from Corporate Services Transformation Non-Executive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs (updated 23/2/18, page 23). More information found HERE.
FACS-wide Expressions of Interest
To fill short-term temporary vacancies (less than 12 months), hiring managers are now required to conduct a FACS-wide Expression of Interest (EOI). The Employee Experience Recruitment Team will post Expressions of Interest on the FACS internal job board on behalf of hiring managers.
Employees will now find all FACS Expressions of Interest posted on the FACS internal job board.
Hiring managers will be supported by Recruitment to facilitate the new approaches to filling vacancies described above. The key change is that hiring managers will now use ‘Self Service Anytime’ rather than Taleo when requesting to fill a vacancy; Recruitment will then direct the vacancy through the appropriate channels. More information for hiring managers will be made available on the Recruitment intranet pages.
Many managers are unaware of this requirement and continue to follow other practices which may prejudice staff who should be considered . FACS need to communicate this requirement to all managers and staff in Central Office and other non-frontline offices. PSA would like confirmation that this communication is sent.
MRO and culling employees based on CV only:
The Mobility Reassignment Opportunities (MRO) program
The MRO program was created to make vacancies available to employees who are eligible for (but have not yet entered) the Mobility Pathway to ensure these opportunities are not missed. If a non-frontline vacancy is not filled by a FACS employee on redeployment or via the pathway, it will not proceed to general recruitment before being offered to affected ongoing employees (at grade). These employees will be contacted directly by email as opportunities arise and can indicate their interest by replying with a copy of their CV. In order to maximise opportunities for employees to find roles, all employees eligible for both RMPs (restructures) of the Corporate Services Transformation have already been added to the MRO list, and will be contacted each time an opportunity at grade becomes available. These emails will provide information on how to apply if there is a role of interest. The MRO process is optional and employees should make their own decision as to whether a role type and location suits their circumstances. MRO roles include ongoing roles and time-limited roles that are 12 months or longer.
As we now know the emails that employees receive only ask for a copy of the CV. PSA requests that FACS amend this section of the FAQS and other related documents to ensure that provision of a CV is only the first step in the possible re-assignment process (as agreed to by the Deputy Secretary Corporate Services). This clarification needs to be communicated in writing to hiring managers and the Corporate Services Talent Resourcing and Performance Partners (the MRO team).
If members are experiencing any difficulties with the Mobility Pathway or the MRO Programme please call the PSA on 1300 772 679 and ask for the Industrial Officer, Greg Shaw.
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