Backpay win for One-Day Journey Meal Allowances - Public Service Association

Backpay win for One-Day Journey Meal Allowances

Backpay Win - Dec 2020 (PDF version)

The PSA recently advised members of a significant win with regards to meal allowances on one-day journeys, after a dispute about incorrect payment dating back to 2018. You can read the previous bulletin HERE.

This is of particular relevance to members in various Non-Custodial and Community Corrections roles.

The PSA has now had further discussions with CSNSW about how it will be rectified and all members should read the CSNSW Broadcast on this today. Communication will be reiterated over the coming weeks in further broadcasts, including emailing all staff, as well as line managers having conversation at staff meetings.

The steps from here are as follows:

  1. Each member who made a one-day journey between September 2012 and September 2018 will automatically be provided with 50 per cent of the allowance for every one-day journeys taken over this period. No application will be required – this will be automated via Payroll reports.
  2. Members who wish to provide evidence via receipts that their actual expenses exceeded 50 per cent of the allowance will receive the full outstanding amount of the allowance.
  3. Members wishing to be paid in accordance with 2) will need to provide this evidence in an application by 26 February 2021.
  4. After this date, members will receive backpay of outstanding amounts in accordance with either 1) or 2).

In the first instance, all questions and concerns should be raised via the Departmental contact details listed on broadcasts. If you are unable to resolve your matter with CSNSW, please get in touch with the PSA Member Support Centre for assistance on 1300 772 679.

CSNSW will be making all attempts to reach members who have since left employment, but if you know a former colleague that this might be relevant to, please share the information with them and encourage them to make contact with the Department.

Again, this is a fantastic win and is only achievable because of PSA members like you!

If you have any non-members in your workplace, talk to them about JOINING THE PSA TODAY!
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Your PSA staff

Leonie Wright Organiser
Roland Harris Industrial Officer

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