Transport Shared Services: PSA obtains new process for job swaps and greater assurances for unplaced employees
TSS - May 2021 (PDF version)
Transport Shared Services Payroll and Personnel is in the midst of standing up its new structure.
The PSA has received ongoing feedback that the placement process has been operating unfairly; this includes employees not having the opportunity to apply for EOIs, no transparency or ability to try and easily job swap, and concerns unplaced applicants for roles are not being priority assessed.
The PSA met with TfNSW to try and resolve these concerns and ensure that unplaced employees had the best opportunity to remain employed. The PSA was able to accomplish the following:
- Job Swaps: there will be greater transparency for roles that are available for job swaps. Employees who are placed but wish to leave are to email their People Partner and let them know they are interested in exiting TfNSW. Once that occurs TfNSW will email all impacted employees at the same grade and advise there is a role available for job swap which unplaced employees can seek to job swap. The email will not identify the employee, just the role. If an unplaced employee expresses interest, the Manager of the role they are seeking a job swap to will make an assessment.
- EOI: the requirement to seek approval before applying for an EOI has been lifted for unplaced applicants.
- Priority Assessment: TfNSW has assured the PSA that due to a recent PSA dispute, where unplaced applicants apply for ongoing roles or an EOI they will be assessed before any other applicant.
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