Ambulance cover extended to direct family members - Public Service Association

Ambulance cover extended to direct family members

To support our members working through the pandemic, direct family are temporarily included in your union’s free ambulance cover.

Last year the PSA/CPSU NSW introduced ambulance coverage for all members. This coverage has now been extended to members’ direct families until further notice.

If you or a member of your direct family that resides with you requires an ambulance, they will get emergency transport to the nearest available hospital equipped to deal with their condition, all without the nasty bill at the end.

The cover is for eligible members of the PSA/CPSU NSW who have no other access to coverage through private health insurance or other bodies.

Emergency ambulance cover is just one of the benefits of PSA/CPSU NSW membership. Our members also have free journey insurance for travelling to and from work, free personal injury insurance (or $11 per year to cover the whole household), and a host of shopping discounts.

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