Anti-Discrimination Board upcoming AGM
Anti-Discrimination Board upcoming AGM – February 2017 (PDF version)
Dear Anti-Discrimination Board PSA members
Official notice is hereby given for the inaugural Annual General Meeting for the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW Workplace Group, to be held on Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 1.00-2.00pm, Conference Room, Parramatta Branch. Up to three delegate positions and Regional Liaison Officers for Newcastle and Wollongong will be elected.
View AGM meeting notice HERE.
To nominate yourself to be a delegate, complete the attached Nomination Form HERE and send it to the PSA Returning Officer, Viji Varghese at , by 5pm, 13.03.2017.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor, either by nominating oneself or another member. Delegates will be provided with training and support from PSA staff.
The ADB Workplace Charter is in the process of being approved internally within the PSA. After it is approved, it will be circulated among the ADB membership later this month.
There have been concerns raised about union communications and decision-making at ADB. Attached is a draft Communications Protocol that members may wish to adopt via a vote at the AGM. Any suggested changes or comments can be sent through to PSA Organiser, Surabi Alauddin () or ADB Delegate, Margaret White ().
ADB Joint Consultative Committee Dates for 2017 are: 7 March, 7 June, 6 September, 6 December 2017.
Any questions can be directed to PSA Organiser, Surabi Alauddin ().