Audit NSW Upcoming JCC
Your PSA Delegates and Industrial staff meet with Audit Office NSW management on a quarterly basis at the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), to raise workplace issues on behalf of members. The JCC is an important forum for members to have a say in how their workplace is run.
The Next JCC meeting will be held on the 7 February 2023, your newly appointed Organiser, Claudia Bianchi and Industrial Officer, Amy Lennox will be attending with your Delegates. Members are always encouraged to send any agenda items to your Delegate or Organiser.
The last JCC for 2022, was held on the 9 November to discuss a range of issues affecting members in Audit NSW.
Summary of November JCC:
Directors Update
People Matter Survey
Based on the PMES 2022 results, the areas that outperform the NSW public sector include flexible working:
The leadership of senior managers, change management, and our commitment to developing employees.
- The best thing about the organisation are people and culture and flexible work arrangements. Staff enjoy the people they work with and take pride in the work they do and feel connection to the organisation.
- The lowest ranked indicators are burnout, adequate time to perform job well, keeping stress at an acceptable level, sense of wellbeing and pay.
Based on these results, the focus is on resourcing, burnout and improving overall wellbeing.
- Burnout training will roll out for all staff and a draft of a mental health and wellbeing strategy by June 2023
Management advised they would be communicating some changes to staff at the Office Executive level with some additional roles at the level below to assist in operationalising the changes at the OE level. PSA was advised that there are no job downgrades or loss of position and only one person is impacted by a regrade upwards, other regraded roles are vacant.
After the Change Management Plan has been released there will be a 2-week consultation period. The PSA will provide feedback from members and after feedback amendments will be made if needed. Then begin recruitment with commence for vacant positions.
General Update
- Leave policy and domestic violence changes that included references to 10 days, will change to increase it to 20 days leave in January 2023.
- Finalising determination for the recent parental leave changes.
- Flexible work practices model launched in Oct 2021 and toolkit in June 2022 to assist managers on how to implement.
COVID Update
- Monitoring following government and health advice in relation to COVID-19 continues and updates are being provided to staff as required.
- Flexible Work Practices model continues to guide work practices, offices remain open for those that wish to attend. However, attendance is not mandatory.
- Wellbeing initiatives were extended until December 2022.
- Deep clean of office spaces continue and staff are notified if they are exposed to covid-19.
- Office forum in November will be hybrid for the first time since 2019.
- Communications and frequently is as needed and focus kept on staff wellbeing and monitored health advise. Continuing to advise staff to choose wellbeing over quality and timelines.
- Covid team continues to monitor key measures in place. Current assessment for vaccination requirements across state sector.
Other matters:
- Nick Player informed that he will be taken extended leave in the new year.
PSA Delegate
Neil Avery
PSA Staff
Claudia Bianchi – Organiser
Amy Lennox – Industrial Officer