Bulletin for Corrective Services Non – Custodial
Corrective Service Non Custodial bulletin with Linked documents – 14 December 2015 (PDF version)
Restructure of Correctional Centre Administration and Stores roles – update
On 8 December 2015, the PSA attended the Industrial Relations Commission to conciliation our dispute about the restructure of Administration and Stores roles at Correctional Centres.
Great outcome at the IRC
In what was a fantastic result for our members, the IRC recommended that:
- Corrective Services NSW is to provide further information about the proposal by the end of the week
- there will be a meeting between the PSA and CSNSW on 14 December to discuss outstanding issues
- our members will have paid meetings at each centre to discuss the proposal with the PSA=
- PSA is to provide comment about the proposal by 29 January 2016
- CSNSW is not to take any steps to implement proposal before 8 February 2016.
CSNSW fails to provide important information
After the IRC hearing, the PSA provided a letter to outline the information that our members need to fully understand the proposal and its impact. You can read the letter HERE
CSNSW provided its response on 11 December, which you can read HERE
It adds very little, if anything, and fails to answer key questions about the proposal.
The PSA will attend a further meeting with CSNSW on 15 December in a final attempt to obtain answers about the proposal and to have them made available to our members in writing.
Options from here
If CSNSW is willing to provide this, the PSA will be conducting meetings in December and January, starting with the Centres most impacted by the proposal.
If we are not provided with enough information to take to our members for comments, we will be returning to the IRC for assistance to resolve our dispute.
What can you do?
Contact your local delegate to plan a meeting to discuss the proposal.