Child Protection Helpline try to downgrade the role
The Child Protection Helpline introduced a new hybrid role description (RD) in around July 2022 that crossed the Helpline Caseworker (Grade 4/7) and Caseworker Grade 3/7) roles into a single, Grade 3/7.
New staff starting under this hybrid role description are employed to work initially in the Helpline and then potentially be directed and transferred into the districts after 2 years. While this concept has it’s merits, to start the workers in the Helpline at a lower Grade than the Helpline role description is not acceptable
The Public Service Association will not support people being paid less, for doing the same work.
Despite meeting with the Department and raising our concerns we needed to take the next step and that was lodging a dispute with the NSW Industrial relations Commission to fight for new staff being employed in the Helpline to be paid appropriately for their skills and experience.
This matter was listed before Commissioner Webster on 22 February 2023 who has directed DCJ, Helpline to provide their reasoning for paying new staff less for working within the Helpline.
This matter is set back for report back on the 15 March 2023.