Community Corrections Bulletin re Ban on Urinalysis Screening – 8 April 2015
Community Corrections Bulletin re Ban on Urinalysis Screening (PDF version)
In the past, urinalysis screening of offenders was undertaken by Compliance and Monitoring Officers (grade 7/8), and before that by Home Detention officers. These positions were either at a higher grade or paid an additional allowance to conduct this task. In 2013, Compliance and Monitoring Officers were absorbed back into Community Corrections at a 5/7 grade.
It now appears that there are a number of office locations undertaking urinalysis screening or are training Community Corrections Officers for this task, although Corrective Services NSW is saying that this is only being done on a voluntary basis.
This is a clear case of work that falls outside of position duties and that was previously undertaken by a higher grade now being passed onto Community Corrections officers without appropriate remuneration or consultation with the Community Corrections (Vocational Branch) Advisory Group.
At the meeting of the Community Corrections (Vocational Branch) Advisory Group on 6 March 2015, the committee unanimously passed the following motion:
‘The Community Corrections (Vocational Branch) Advisory Group places a total ban on urinalysis drug screening being conducted by staff in Community Corrections offices’.