Consolidated IT Service Desks
Lack of consultation
The PSA was forced to take the Department to the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) due to the lack of consultation previous to the decision to merge IT Service Desks. The outcome from the dispute was that a review period should occur, reviewing rosters and working arrangement in consultation with the PSA.
A review meeting subsequently took place after the decision (made by the Department) to create a new roster. We see this as not in keeping with the intent of the Commission’s recommendations, thus we will see the Department back in the IRC 19th April 2021.
Members have the right to be consulted prior to changes being made. This is a legislated requirement, but it’s also an issue of respect.
Staff raised concerns that while time has been allocated for Mandatory DSC Privacy Training, the training staff are requesting to undertake continues to be postponed due to staffing issues.
The Department’s solution to this was to advise staff to reach out to their manager to clarify and organise required training to meet their needs, the PSA recommends that members be proactive and request training where needed.
The PSA will continue to highlight that while staff each have different requirements regarding their training needs, most staff require further training. The PSA will request this gap in training be better managed and addressed.
How will the next Merge be ‘Managed’?
Members will be aware of the further merge of Team C to the DCS IT Service Desks occurring this year. The current volume of outstanding ticket requests has already impacted staff’s wellbeing and confidence in actioning work, members have requested that support and training be provided ahead of any further changes.
Where are you?
If you have previously changed Agencies or Sites since joining the PSA and haven’t notified us, please take this opportunity to let us know where you are. Email to update your site details and your email address.
This will ensure you are receiving PSA communications that are relevant to you, your workplace and your workplace issues.
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