Consultation opens on new TfNSW drug and alcohol policy - Public Service Association

Consultation opens on new TfNSW drug and alcohol policy

On Thursday 30 September your union, the PSA met with the department to discuss their proposal for a new transport wide drug and alcohol policy. For those members who were formerly employed by the RMS, you may remember a pilot program of a similar policy had begun immediately prior to the announced dissolution of RMS.

There are a number of key changes to the existing arrangements proposed in this new policy including but not limited to:

  • Reducing the permissible BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level at work from 0.02 to 0.00 for all employees.
  • The introduction of pre-employment urine testing for those seeking employment with the department.
  • The introduction of random testing for drug and alcohol levels of staff while at work. In the case of drug testing this will involve an oral fluid test.
  • The introduction of pre-sign on oral fluid testing for drugs.
  • The introduction of return to work urine testing for drugs.
  • A minimum testing rate of 10% of employees per annum.

The PSA has identified a number of key concerns with this policy that are similar to those that we highlighted in 2019.

Firstly, the policy in its current form is a ‘one size’ fits all approach to managing the risks associated with drug and alcohol use and provisions which may be necessary for some roles and role descriptions may not be necessary or appropriate in others. While the department has clearly attempted to streamline their policies and procedures, in doing so they have ignored the number and array of role descriptions within the organisation.

Secondly, certain aspects of this policy appear to be aimed at attempting to penalise staff for their behaviours outside of work rather than managing their safety at work. It is our belief that any changes to a policy should have a sole focus of ensuring safety at work and should not have an overbearing impact on staff’s personal lives.

Lastly, we believe that with the introduction of randomised testing there is the potential for victimisation of individual staff members. In certain instances, and without strong safeguards this policy could be used to target specific employees.

The PSA will look to engage members of the TfNSW departmental committee, which is made up of delegates from across the state for feedback.

If any members have additional feedback they would like to raise with the PSA, feel free to get in touch with your organiser Ben James, E: .

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