Create NSW JCC date announced
Create NSW JCC date announced – March 2019 (PDF version)
Members would be aware that the PSA has been for some time negotiating with Create NSW management the commencement of a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).
Well finally we have a date for this meeting and it has been scheduled for Friday 29 March 2019. At the PSA members’ meeting held on Wednesday 27 February members were provided with details of this meeting date.
Members would know that Create NSW now comprises of three different areas;
- Create NSW
- Create Infrastructure
The PSA is of the view all three areas should have a PSA representative from the members in attendance at JCCs
If any member is interested in attending the JCC here is some information regarding the policy and guidelines associated with this forum.
The development of the Consultative Arrangement Policy and Guidelines was implemented in July 1997. The purpose of the consultative process was to enable fair and cooperative relations at the organisation level. It was also intended that the guidelines would provide the foundations for strengthening participation in implementing productive reforms across the different areas of the Public Sector.
JCCs consist of representatives from both management and union/s that have coverage of the agency.
For members employed at Create NSW and SARA some may be well aware that JCCs were in place up until a few years ago.
Matters for consideration for JCCs are usually but not restricted to:
- proposals for restructuring
- HR related policies, procedures and practices
- Work Health & Safety matters not able to be resolved by other means.
The JCC is not an appropriate place to raise individual grievances, matter of a confidential nature or individual’s issues.
So how does this work?
Terms of reference is developed and agreed to by the parties setting out;
- JCC objectives
- decision making
- membership of the JCC
- attendees
- meeting procedures
- administrative support
- resources for workplace representatives.
To enable productive and open discussion and direct consultation the PSA is seeking that a PSA member from Create NSW, Create Infrastructure and State Archives and Records Authority (SARA) nominate to attend the JCC.
Meetings are held in work time and you are considered to be on duty for this meeting.
If you are interested in attending as a PSA representative at the JCC please contact Kerrie Butson, Senior Industrial Officer at