End of Term 3 School Support staff update
TWT Project 2023
The Schools Temporary Workforce Transition project phases 1-9 are now concluding for the 1st Tranche of Permanency offers for school-based staff.
Since May of this year Principals have been consulting with affected temporary staff as to their eligibility as to an offer of permanency.
School-based employees, including teachers and all support staff, are eligible if they meet all of the following criteria:
- have worked in the same school on a temporary basis for 3 years or more at the same classification by the end of 2022.
- are engaged in a 12-month contract with that school for 2023.
- meet the standard requirements for permanent employment.
If you meet these criteria and as yet have not been made a formal offer of permanency, then follow the PSA advice as to requesting a review.
There is a dedicated team in place to support the implementation of this initiative. If you have any questions, please contact the Temporary Workforce Transition team through the online inquiry form or by emailing
Appointment dates for Permanency are –
Phase 1 Day 1 Term 3 2023
Phases 2-3 Day 1 Term 4 2023
Phases 4-9 Day 1 Term 1 2024
Please note the PSA will be negotiating revised criteria for the second tranche of permanency offers for this project during Term 4. Details of the revised criteria and the timeline for tranche 2 Permanency offers will be subject to a further Bulletin when available.
If a member has a reply by email that confirms that you will not be made an offer of permanency and you dispute the advice, or any other questions please contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 774 679 for advice and assistance.
Administration Marketplace Panel for Schools (AMPS)
In July 2023 the PSA surveyed members in relation to the department’s AMPS initiative.
On 22 August the PSA wrote to the NSW Education Secretary to advise as to the feedback of the Member Survey as follows-
“The implementation of AMPS as advised is to reduce duplication of administration processes in schools through access to effective student management and school finance software and as previously discussed the Association disputes this position.”
The PSA recently undertook an extensive survey of our members in relation to AMPS and the claim that this will not increase workloads, nor will this impact upon the current school budgets is disputed.
Our survey of those who undertake the tasks associated with student finances uphold that AMPS will:
- Will increase the current cost to their Schools budget
- Do not support that each School should select and purchase their own third-party product
- Support that there should be one system across all Schools
- There will not be appropriate support when implementing and maintaining this system change
- There will be no consistent training for staff, training will need to be undertaken within the current workloads
- There has been a lack of consultation
- Will not simplify tasks associated with student finances
- Will create greater inconsistencies across Schools
- Will impact on onboarding staff
- Will impact on training and supporting staff
- Will impact on ability to transfer skills between Schools
- We are being forced to make the change
- And why didn’t DoE just purchase School Bytes
These comments we argue are in direct conflict to the position as held by DoE and re-enforce that AMPS will not only fail in the function of administration of effective student management and tasks associated with student finances but as stated will have a detrimental impact to our members. “
The PSA has requested a further meeting to progress these concerns on behalf of members.
Please note on 29 August 2023 the PSA Schools Departmental Committee endorsed the following resolution –
“The PSA lift the current ban on the AMPs project due to the time-sensitive nature of schools onboarding to new platforms, coupled with not having achieved a satisfactory outcome from DoE. Further, that we pursue a whole-of-public-sector approach to the outsourcing and privatisation of core business of our Public Sector agencies.”
Members are therefore requested to lift the ban. Any further actions will be subject to a future Bulletin following discussion with the department to resolve the outstanding issues.
Any member seeking support on any Industrial issue should contact the PSA member support centre on 1300 772 679 or
PSA Industrial staff
Industrial Manager – Julie-Ann Bond
Industrial Officer – Greg Shaw Senior
Industrial Officer – Sharny Chalmers
Organiser – Ann Attwater
Organiser – Marisa Bosco
Organiser – Susan Chee Quee
Organiser – Alison Crittenden
GA Organiser – Peta Noke