Crown Solicitors Office Joint Consultative Committee Meeting Report
Delegates and PSA industrial staff attended the scheduled JCC meeting held on 24 August, at which discussion of the following issues was progressed.
Office Assistants
The PSA reported that the outcome of their consultation into deliveries and logistics was that two new suitcases are required. The CSO undertook implement this.
No further action was required in relation to the PSA offer to facilitate training of HSRs as a trainer had been sourced.
Two HSRs have been nominated and one has completed their training.
CSO confirmed that there was no functioning WHS Committee.
The PSA confirmed its industrial interest in involvement in the constitution and operation of formal WHS representative structures, including the formation of Work Groups and the elections of HSRs.
CSO confirmed that the Wellbeing and Support program had been activated in the last of the Practice Groups. CSO confirmed that they wished to embed proactive support programs and would be seeking feedback from participants to determine ongoing suitability.
CSO reported that a well-attended Town Hall had been held to update staff.
Consultation will continue through the HSRs and the Wellbeing Working Group.
A sub-group is being considered to review feedback and address staff concerns. The PSA will participate and provide input.
CSO advised that the MyLearning system is being replaced by Thrive. This is planned to be implemented in late November.
IT Projects
CSO provided an update on forthcoming implementation.
- User acceptance testing was occurring for the upgrading of the legal practice management and financial management applications (Elite) which was expected to go live in late October /November. Roadshows were being undertaken and presentations provided to Practice Groups. Training and communications were being developed.
- Implementation of the MS M365 Tenant Consolidation Project was expected to occur over a weekend in October. This will move the separate ex-FACS and ex-DCJ tenants into single tenant. Staff will need to follow a script and reset some functions following this change.
The PSA expressed concern about the potential disruption to staff capacity, and the stress of this change, and the adequacy of resources available should problems arise. The PSA noted its expectation that proactive steps were taken to support staff during the transition.
CSO advised that consultation with the PSA about the project had occurred centrally through DCJ, but that CSO is not party to the consultation process.
Flexible Working Hours Agreement
There were no further updates able to be provided by CSO as to the steps it needed to take to initiate negotiations with the PSA for a new Agreement, including central approval of the bargaining parameters. It was currently in its infancy. The PSA emphasized the need for the Union to be kept informed as to the timeline and for early consultation.
The PSA requested that CSO check that the information in the training material provided to staff about the inputting of overtime cost codes is correct.
Review of Para- legal functions
CSO advised that a review was to be conducted and that the PSA would be invited to participate.
Graduate Employment Program
The PSA advised that it would formally raise its concerns about the operation of this program.
These included the inconsistencies in the application and timing of pay increments which appeared to reflect a lack of clear and consistent communication and understanding of the procedures and processes which apply, and management of expectations.
CSO confirmed that they shared the PSA’s concerns about communication and application and were reviewing documentation about the program and welcomed the PSA’s input.
Next meeting: 23 November 2023