FACS bulletin – Commissioning restructure + meeting notice
FACS bulletin – Commissioning restructure + meeting notice – November 2017 (PDF version)
Transition to new structure and non-executive assignment process
On 20 October 2017, PSA representatives were briefed by the Deputy Secretary Commissioning in relation to the non-Executive assignment process which commenced on 25 October 2017.
Ongoing employees were requested to provide three preferences for branches, not a specific role by 1 November 2017.
During November, each director will be moderating within the directorate re-assignment of each employee.
This will lead to each employee being assigned and the structure being in place by 8 January 2018.
During recent workplace visits by PSA organisers a number of members have requested that a meeting occur to deal with a number of emerging issues.
This is timely in view of the current timeline for the assignment process.
- FACs Commissioning Restructure Member Meeting
- ASH Breakout Room, Level 2, 223 – 239
- Liverpool Road Ashfield
- 1 – 2pm, Tuesday 21 November 2017
If any member is unable to attend and has an issue for the PSA or information for the meeting please email the PSA Member Support Centre at .
If you need to speak to an Organiser or Industrial officer, call 1300-772-679.