FACS job advertising risks reassignment opportunities for COM and ADHC Central staff
Public Service Association of NSW General Secretary, Stewart Little, has written to FACS Secretary, Michael Coutts-Trotter to express concern regarding the advertisement of Commissioning, as well as other FACS non-frontline jobs on the NSW Jobs website. The PSA has asked for the job ads to be withdrawn. Click HERE for a copy of our letter.
While some of the roles may be outside of the COM and ADHC central restructure, external advertising risks reassignment opportunities for COM affected staff and we have asked for the advertisements to be withdrawn. We expect a response from the Secretary today.
In news COM related news, the phase 2 assessment process has been completed for grade 9/10 and 11/12 staff. According to FACS data, from a total pool of 144 staff 131 were placed in ongoing or time limited roles, with 13 staff now entering the NDIS Mobility Pathway.
Phase 2 interviews for 7/8 roles have also concluded and we understand that FACS is currently completing a moderating (assessment) process and expect to advise staff shortly on placement outcomes.
The PSA has objected to at least one interview question for Commissioning and Planning roles (grade 7/8), which related directly to procurement. Many of the staff included in the pool had no prior experience in procurement and were, in our view, at a distinct disadvantage to staff familiar with this task. We have strongly advocated the Department take a broader assessment of all applicants’ capability set to ensure equity in placement decisions.
FACS also reported further reductions in the number of ADHC central (time-limited) roles are likely, however the Department was unable to give a precise figure saying only that it remains committed to placing as many staff in roles as possible. We have requested further information on this and will update members as soon as it is received.
For further information or assistance, please contact:
Rachael Shaw – 0431 349 984
Darrin Morgan – 0423 498 499
Brendan McMenamin – 0431 863 979
Or call the PSA on 1300 772 679
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