FACS update: Cluster Operating Model Phase 2 placement outcomes
FACS update – Cluster Operating Model Phase 2 placement outcomes – May 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA is aware most COM-affected staff will be contacted next week by FACS to let them know if they were successful or not in securing a role through the Phase 2 placement process.
The PSA is acutely aware this process has caused many staff a great deal of anxiety and distress, and there has been limited support offered by FACS.
The PSA will be meeting with FACS again on 31 of May 2017 to discuss the results of the internal placement process (Phase 2) and what FACS will be doing to support those who have been unsuccessful in gaining a placement
We will continue to work with members to support them throughout this process.
Given the scale of the restructure, the PSA wants FACS to ensure it maximises the employment opportunities for staff, and where possible match staff to their preference for either ongoing employment or voluntary redundancy.
Members are reminded they can seek an Internal Review if they believe the process undertaken for assessment was not procedurally sound.
The PSA also continues to liaise with the Department of Premier and Cabinet in relation to the Mobility Pathways program, with a further review meeting expected in early June. We will be pressing for enhancements that promote employment opportunities for potentially excess FACS staff.
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