PSA writes to State Government over pay offer
The PSA has written to the State Government seeking clarification on how a three per cent pay offer can be made, yet the wage cap remains in place. We are also seeking more details about unspecified “productivity improvements”.
In addition, we seek agreement that the Government’s $3,000 one-off payment to Health Service employees be extended to PSA members in recognition of their work on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic. The PSA also asked about whether the pay increase will be offered to our members employed in state-owned corporations.
It is disheartening that there has also been no response to our demands that the increase in superannuation payments be paid on top of any pay increase.
As our members made clear to Government last week in our Day of Action, a cautious, frugal approach to its own employees is just not good enough when inflation is so high.
Next Tuesday the Perrottet Government delivers its final budget before the State election in March 2023. Here is hoping it paid attention to both our arguments and Wednesday’s Fair Work decision and lands at a policy that, in the short term, gives us a wage increase that meets inflation and, in the medium term, abolishes the wage policy that allows it to fix the decision and gives the Industrial Relations Commission (State Jurisdiction) to do their job with proper independence.