Frank Baxter PSA Workplace Group - Public Service Association

Frank Baxter PSA Workplace Group

Official notice was previously given for the Annual General Meeting for the Frank Baxter Work Place Group, to be conducted by electronic ballot. Nominations called for eight Executive Committee members as follows:

  1. Chair
  2. Secretary
  3. Vice Chair
  4. Assistant Secretary
  5. Women’s Officer
  6. Line Delegates (3)

Nominations closed in April and 3 nominations were received, one each for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. As there was only one nomination for each position there was no need for a ballot.

Your elected delegates are:

  • Chair Byron Hill
  • Secretary David Mangan
  • Vice Chair Mark Elliot

All other positions remain vacant and can be filled by casual appointment, Therefore if any members are thinking about being part of the group please speak to your elected delegates or contact your Organiser Latu Sailosi at or Industrial Officer Gino DiCandilo at .

Interested in being a delegate but unsure of what’s involved?

The PSA provides training on the role of a Delegate, as well as WHS, Mental Health and Dealing with Workplace Bullying. Under Clause 55 of the Crown Employees Award, members are entitled to 12 days every two years of paid leave to attend these courses. For more information on training please visit

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