Did you know you may be entitled to back payment of unpaid penalties for the full period you were under investigation, if you have been cleared (exonerated) of allegations of misconduct following the completion of the process?
Following enquiries by the PSA, DCJ CaPS have confirmed to YJNSW and the PSA, that members may be entitled to the back payment of averaged unpaid penalties for the full period whilst they were suspended with pay in a misconduct disciplinary process.
What to do to claim your penalties?
Members need to request payment of unpaid penalties by providing notice of your disciplinary outcome, together with the total claimable by email to your Centre Manager, Community Office Manager or Office Manager.
Members are encouraged to either contact the PSA for individual assistance via the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679, or contact PSA Organiser, Latu Sailosi E: if you are experiencing difficulties concerning back payment of owed penalties.
The value of joining and your membership of the PSA.
For 125 years the PSA has proudly fought to secure and advance the pay and conditions for you, your colleagues, and all NSW public servants.
In YJNSW, our advocacy has secured funding for increased frontline operational roles, better training for staff, stronger WHS laws and safer working environments, improved working conditions for all public servants employees’ rights and higher wage growth to keep up with the cost of living.
With tons of benefits and value added services and entitlements for members such as free emergency ambulance cover, free journey insurance to and from work, accident coverage 24/7, a range of great discounts and much more!
To ensure that your rights are protected join the PSA and encourage all temporary staff at your office to join.
It’s easy to join online so why not SIGN UP TODAY? https://psa.asn.au/join/
There has never been a more vital time for the union.