Health Care Complaints Commission – Policies, PMES outcomes, WHS, leave and more
JCC Update 12 December 2018
Policy update
As a result of the PMES results the HCCC will update the Code of Conduct; Positive and Productive Workplace Policy; and Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. Training will be provided to staff. The PSA emphasised the importance of regular updates in regard to Code of Conduct requirements and social media use.
PMES outcomes
Directors have engaged with managers and managers have engaged with their teams in regard to the results and one-on-one discussions were held with 30 staff members.
Management recognised improvements were needed in communication, transparency and engagement/consultation with staff, particularly on matters with a Commission-wide impact. There was also an undertaking to improve recruitment practices, ensure panels are balanced and provide feedback if/when internal applicants are unsuccessful – all of which should be occurring now. There was also a commitment to foster career development. This all sounds positive and the PSA will hold management to account for delivering on these commitments.
We were advised the HCCC will redouble its efforts to address grievances and conduct matters with action to taken to raise awareness of what constitutes misconduct in the workplace. As this work progresses, members may find the following definition of use:
The concept of misconduct in a disciplinary context cannot mean mere mistakes, errors in judgement, errors in discretion, carelessness, negligence, inefficiency or poor performance. Misconduct must involve wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated or intentional purpose or by obstinate indifference to one’s acts.
Government sector Work, Health and Safety Plan
HCCC will update its Work, Health and Safety Plan in response to the State Government’s version. This will include a focus on a mentally healthy workplace with zero tolerance of bullying and harassment. As well as updating policies, resilience training will be provided and a vicarious trauma framework developed. There was a commitment to consult with the PSA in this work.
It has come to the PSA’s attention that there have been some issues with the accuracy of leave balances on Gov Connect, which management is acting to address. This is your hard-earned leave, which is an entitlement, so if you have a concern, please contact the PSA. We advise members to check leave balances as recorded on their payslip every fortnight and if there is an inaccuracy to act immediately.
Flexible working
The HCCC has a flexible working pathway and is refining procedures in accordance with State Government Policy commitments. The PSA asked what guidance is being given to staff in terms of incurring an injury while working from home, needing to work in accordance with bandwidth and flexible working hours agreement and any liability if a laptop is lost/damaged or stolen. We recommended more guidance is needed so staff are fully aware of the practical implications of flexible working.
HCCC foreshadowed it may be seeking to consult with the PSA next year in regard to changing the bandwidth from 6pm to 7pm.
The PSA wishes our HCCC members a happy festive season and will hold a members’ meeting early in the new year to develop an agenda for 2019.