Health Professional Councils Authority Survey Results
The Public Service Association (PSA) recently ran a survey for all staff, members and non-members, within the Health Professional Councils Authority about workload, its impact to WHS, and access to flexible working to assist with managing the workload.
The results are in line with concerns raised by members with 57 per cent of respondents reporting that they regularly work in excess of 40 hours per week and 60 per cent forfeiting hours worked in a flex period.
This is unacceptable and steps need to be taken by management to reduce excessive workload and manage flex time. It is the responsibility of both managers and staff to oversee workload and hours worked, and if it appears that there may be lost hours, steps should be taken to prevent any losses.
View Local Working Hours Agreement Here
The Local Working Hours Agreement for Ministry of Health states,
9.1 Hours worked are to be monitored by the staff member and manager over a six week period, through the use of flex time records. Managers and staff members must ensure that staff members do not regularly work in excess of 238 hours in a settlement period.
There is no reason for any staff member to be forfeiting hours.
We will be seeking a meeting with senior management and the Director to present the survey and discuss possible solutions. Your Delegates will attend this meeting along with PSA Officials with a members meeting to be held shortly after.
If you are not a member and would like our assistance, you can join the PSA HERE