Help us fight for a Disability Safety Net
Help us fight for a Disability Safety Net – November 2017 (PDF version)
It is no secret that the state Government disrespects its own workers. They run them down, cut their jobs and reduce funding to vital public services.
Over the last six years the O’Farrell, Baird and now Berejiklian Governments have relentlessly implemented their privatisation agenda.
Perhaps the most horrific one of all has been the total privatisation of disability services.
Police, Health, Community Services, TAFE, Schools; there is not one area of the public service that will not be impacted by this privatisation.
This privatisation leaves no safety net for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
That is why we will be holding a Safety Net Forum…
Already people with disability are falling through the cracks, languishing in hospital wards because they cannot be placed or their funding has run out. Join us and have a say about what this would look like:
- 5-7pm, Tuesday 14 November 2017
- Hunter Trades Hall, 406-408 King Street Newcastle
Please register to attend HERE.
Please download the flyer HERE.
If you are on Facebook like the Disability Safety Net page HERE.