Higher Duties Allowance – Your Entitlements
We have been informed that at a recent presentation, senior management decided that your Higher Duties Allowance (HDA) will not be paid if the worker has acted up for under two weeks. This decision is in breach of the TfNSW Award which states:
‘31.2 Employees who are authorised by the Employer to perform all the duties of a Higher Grade position for 5 or more consecutive days, shall not be paid less than the minimum salary of the higher graded position’
If you have acted up for 5 or more consecutive days and have not received your HDA, please contact the PSA for assistance. Your Award sets the minimum expectations from your employer, management cannot unilaterally decide not to pay out an entitlement. The PSA will also raise this issue at our next meeting with management.
PSA Delegates
Dane Richards
Corporate Services, Burwood
Adam Carroll
Regional and Outer Metro, Grafton
Janet Miller
People and Culture, Macquarie Park
Gary Sladden
Customer Strategy and Technology, Yennora
Sharon Smith
Corporate Services, Newcastle West
Lee-Anne Stanford
Regional and Outer Metro, Wollongong
Hayley Dellaca
Regional and Outer Metro, Newcastle
Dani Gordon
Infrastructure and Place, Newcastle