Housing NSW relocation bulletin
Housing NSW relocation bulletin – July 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA upholds meaningful consultation over relocations
The PSA is aware a number of Housing Services members across NSW face the prospect of office relocation in the near future. Consultation between the PSA and FACS management concerning these relocations is imperative and ongoing.
The Accommodation Guidelines Working Group
At a peak level, the PSA participates in the Accommodation Guidelines Working Group. It is chaired by the FACS Manager of Accommodation Planning, Procurement, Strategy and Planning, who coordinates all Housing Services office relocations and office fit-outs across New South Wales. This group, which meets monthly, has PSA representation from Community Services as well as Housing, since increasingly these services are delivered in colocated offices.
Planning Advisory Groups
At a more local level, Planning Advisory Groups (PAGs) provide a forum for direct consultation between FACs management and impacted PSA members regarding their concerns over proposed office relocations. It is important for the PSA to maintain representation on PAGs and for those who do attend the consultations to report back to other members in affected offices, providing current information about the relocation. PSA member input in these groups is an invaluable and influential contribution that can affect a different outcome.
If you have any concerns over a proposed relocation that may affect your housing office please talk to your workplace delegates, PSA organiser and/or industrial officer. The PSA continues to support your concerns over relocation being raised with FACs management at both a peak and local level.
PSA Staff
Kris Cruden – Industrial Manager
Siobhan Callinan – Senior Organiser
Katy Ambler – Industrial Officer
You can support the work of the PSA and your local delegates by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.
If you have any questions about this bulletin please email
Update and Connect with the PSA: If you have moved home or work location, or you have changed your contacts, please update your membership details HERE.