Housing NSW Survey results
Housing NSW Survey results – June 2017 (PDF version)
Why did we do a survey?
The PSA recently conducted a Housing Services survey, which closed in May. We collected data on a number of identified member concerns and measured their prevalence across Housing Services more broadly. We received a very good response, with 370 members completing the survey. All answers will be kept confidential.
The survey confirms the following wider issues affecting Housing Services members:
- unmanageable workloads
- understaffed offices
- favouritism in the workplace
- low morale in teams
- poor communication about the SHMT.
If you have any concerns in relation to industrial issues above, please contact the PSA.
Reporting Preliminary Aggregated Results
Most of respondents are Grade 2/4 employees (60.60 per cent).
More than half of reported they are working outside their role description and/or doing extra duties (Q.6 56.53 per cent); and more than half responded that their workload is never manageable (Q5. 58.24 per cent). Most believe their workplace is understaffed (Q7: 88.35 per cent).
For most taking flex or RDO leave is not a problem (Q11: 68.44 per cent) but it is a concern that more than a third of respondents believe they are being pressured not to take flex leave and RDOs (Q.11: 31.56 per cent).
Most respondents felt comfortable approaching their team leader (Q12: 74.93 per cent) but on the other hand most noticed favouritism in their workplace (Q13: 63.69 per cent).
The responses were evenly spread in relation to wanting and getting ‘acting up opportunities’ (Q14).
Two thirds of respondents reported their team morale is ‘low’ or ‘extremely low’ (Q15: 33.04 per cent). Only nine per cent of respondents rated their team morale as ‘high’.
And 15.52 per cent of respondents are planning to retire in the next 2-5 years (Q.18).
Noting not all members are affected by the SHMT, of those who responded, two thirds are either unsure (Q16: 34.63 per cent) or actively worried (Q16: 37.61 per cent) about being transferred to Community Housing; and nearly half (Q17: 42.39 per cent) believe management has not kept them sufficiently informed about the Social Housing Management Transfer.
Thank you for participating in the Housing Services survey. The PSA and the Housing DC will examine the results in depth to inform a coordinated strategy for raising issues with management.
PSA Staff
Kris Cruden – Industrial Manager
Siobhan Callinan – Senior Organiser
Katy Ambler – Industrial Officer
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