iCare: November JCC update - Public Service Association

iCare: November JCC update

On Wednesday 15 November, your PSA Industrial Officer and elected delegates met with management representatives as part of ongoing consultation (Joint Consultative Committee, JCC) at iCare.

Constructive conversations demonstrate the ongoing value of JCCs in providing delegates the opportunity to talk through members’ concerns with management.


Subject matter experts from Payroll attended the JCC to get a better understanding of the timesheet issues raised by PSA. Delegates discussed issues impacting user experience, there was constructive discussions on approval issues for managers and the related workload as well as potential risks to the business. iCare Management noted the discussion was beneficial, welcomed ongoing feedback and noted training is being developed for staff to address gaps.

Where PSA can provide more information to payroll regarding user experience and governance issues (including screenshots) we will, and we encourage members to engage with your delegates so we can continue these productive discussions.

Direct appointments

Delegates raised communication to staff where direct appointments happen. While a proper merit selection process did occur in the examples raised, we highlighted that by not communicating these new appointments to staff it can lead to discord amongst teams due to perceived lack of opportunity and can create difficulties for the person who was successful. Management acknowledged occasionally communications are missed and the impact that can have on staff, you are encouraged to raise these issues via the appropriate channels including with your PSA delegates.

Roles in Lifetime Care Scheme (Rehab Care Manager and Community Living Facilitator)

We discussed the workforce shortage and resulting workload issues impacting this area. PSA delegates raised that members are concerned an area with an already limited capacity may be further reduced given ongoing changes to structures. iCare Management thanked PSA for bringing this to their attention and committed to investigating further.


PSA was provided with more detailed information regarding the changes occurring to the Workers Compensation area and were reminded that the changes only impact leadership positions thus the impact on staff would be minimal. It was encouraging to hear roughly 130 pieces of feedback were received as part of the consultation process and reassuring that variations were made to the final structure as a result of a constructive consultation and feedback process.

For the changes occurring to the Dust Disease Care area, your delegate highlighted that these employees were not provided the full two-week consultation period as is established best practice.

As changes occur at iCare, PSA will continue to advocate for an open and constructive dialogue so employees have ample notice to consider how change might affect them. As always, PSA encourages all affected staff to engage with any change management process and to actively ask questions of your management if you have any.

The PSA encourages members to flag concerns with your delegates and PSA directly.

PSA Delegates
Geraldine Waters
Rosemary Birt
Maryam Freeman
Lachlan Cotterill

PSA Organiser
Melanie Coombes

PSA A/ Industrial Officer
Amy Lennox

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