Important PSA update: briefing for School Psychologists
As members would know, your union, the PSA, has been actively engaging with the DoE over the past six months to highlight the concerns of School Psychologist members.
The PSA wrote to the DoE some time ago, raising both professional concerns from members and seeking to discuss your workplace conditions and entitlements. The DoE recently invited your union to a meeting to discuss some changes it wishes to implement for both School Counsellors and School Psychologists.
You may have recently also been contacted by the Department advising you of its proposal.
The PSA is holding a meeting to update you on what discussions have taken place so far, what DoE has raised with us and to seek your input on what the PSA’s next steps should be.
You are invited to the PSA briefing: SAVE THE DATE
We will distribute videoconference details of the meeting closer to the date.
Tuesday 21 July 2020
Via videoconference
We look forward to continuing to work with you all over the coming months and encourage you to invite any other School Psychologists you know to attend the briefing.
Information on joining the PSA is below and will be available at the meeting.
Do you know a School Psychologist who still needs to join the PSA?
You can support the work of the PSA to get better outcomes for everyone just by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.