Industrial Dispute Update: Biodiversity, Conservation and Science Restructure
In response to the ongoing concerns raised by members, the Public Service Association (PSA), alongside the Professional Officers’ Association Amalgamated Union (PA), lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC).
During conciliation in the IRC, Monday 23 October 2023, the Unions ventilated members’ concerns with the restructure, in particular the significant lack of information on the Departments redeployment procedure and suitable roles. As a result, the Department has committed to revising, and enhancing, the Change Management Plan (CMP) to provide a clearer roadmap for the proposed process of affected staffs reassignment to existing vacant roles.
The revised CMP is to be shared with the Unions for consultation Monday 30 October. A further report back in the IRC is scheduled for Wednesday 1 November.
A members’ meeting will be held via Teams this Thursday 26 October to hear a further report back from your PSA industrial representatives.