Inquiry into emergency services agencies
Inquiry into emergency services agencies – July 2017 (PDF version)
Dear member,
As you are aware, the NSW Parliament has convened an Inquiry for the following emergency services agencies:
- New South Wales Rural Fire Service
- Fire and Rescue New South Wales
- New South Wales Police Force
- Ambulance Service of New South Wales
- New South Wales State Emergency Service
There appears to be no clear definition of what an “emergency service” is in NSW. For the purpose of this survey, the PSA has included members in the National Parks & Wildlife Service, Corrective Services and Juvenile Justice. These agencies all have emergency service functions included in their role and are considered as emergency services in other jurisdictions.
The Inquiry by the Legislative Council’s Portfolio Committee No.4 – Legal Affairs will focus on the problems of bullying, harassment and discrimination. The scope of the Inquiry includes the effectiveness of the employer’s protocols and procedures to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination and resolve reports of bullying, harassment and discrimination.
Other issues to be examined include staff care for workers exposed to trauma, and staff care for workers reporting bullying, harassment and discrimination.
The full terms of reference for the Inquiry are HERE.
Participating in the Inquiry
The PSA will be making a submission to the Inquiry on behalf of members. The PSA also encourages you to contribute to the Inquiry by:
- completing this confidential PSA survey HERE.
- making a submission to the Inquiry. This can be done in confidence – more information HERE
- contacting the PSA’s Work Health Safety Unit at to raise issues that you would like included in the PSA submission.
More information on how to make a submission is here, or you can get in touch with the contact officer for the Inquiry at parliament Merrin Thompson (9230 2895 or ).
PSA survey
The purpose of the survey is to give members an opportunity to contribute in a confidential manner to the Inquiry. Information collected will be de-identified and used to give the Inquiry a better understanding for what is actually happening in workplaces.
Please answer the survey only to the extent that you are comfortable. There is only one compulsory question to answer in the survey: What agency do you work for?
The PSA will report the de-identified results of the survey in its submission to the Inquiry, in a bulletin to members, and with the employer at joint consultative council meetings.
Please contact the PSA’s Work Health Safety Unit at if you would like the PSA to include a particular experience, opinion or idea in its submission. The PSA can request that your contribution is not publically available but made available only to the parliamentary committee. The PSA can also request on your behalf that you speak in-confidence with the Inquiry committee.
The survey is HERE and will close at midnight on Thursday 20 July.
Members are reminded that they are protected by parliamentary privilege when giving evidence to the Inquiry. Evidence can be given freely and honestly without fear or threat of legal action for defamation. More information on this protection is HERE.