IPART JCC Meeting 25 May 23
Your union and local delegates attended the Joint Consultative Committee on 25th May. At the meeting, a number of items were discussed.
PSA will respond to the draft policy on publishing video recordings of public events. If members have feedback on this policy, please inform your local delegates Lil Cullen and Julia Williams.
Management advised that they will not be creating a policy on Domestic and Family Violence Leave but do have a fact sheet and can provide broader communications to staff.
They also advised that they have been reviewing the Code of Conduct and will consult staff on a revised draft.
Staff will be reminded to perform a Covid Risk Assessment if doing large events. PSA requested a communication around the risks and how to mitigate these when people go to conferences or have visitors in the office. IPART agreed that they can put out a reminder on strategy.
We discussed the change of government and IPART. Responsibility for the IPART Act has been moved to the Premier. The concept of clusters is gone, however there is no information as yet on any Machinery of Government changes. PSA will be involved in consultation when and if these occur.
A first draft IPART Flexible Working Agreement has been created. This will be released to PSA for consultation. We will be in touch with members in due course.
IPART will be consulting with the PSA on local arrangements to reflect changes to working arrangements that changed before the COVID pandemic and served staff and IPART well during it (removal of core time, extension of band width and removing the 2.5 hour restriction on a lunch break).
IPART had initially proposed making these changes through amendment to the IPART Award. The PSA surveyed members about this proposal and found there was support for changes to the working arrangements through a local arrangement but not through an amendment to the Award.
PSA was advised that there will be a realignment in Regulation and Compliance, ESS Teams, which will result in a new team, some changes in reporting lines and potentially 3 new positions. Documentation will be supplied and we will seek feedback from members when that occurs.
Member Meetings
The PSA would like to inform members of the upcoming member meetings. The meetings will be held on Microsoft teams from 12pm-1pm on:
Thursday 3 August
Friday 3 November
Members meeting login details via Teams.
Meeting ID: 479 043 660 600
Passcode: DNmYcd