Justice Corporate Services PSA update – March 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA met with the Department of Justice on Monday, 26 March 2018 at the first Justice Corporate Services Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) which includes the following agencies:
- Strategic Human Resources
- Digital Technology Services
- Audit and Risk
- Business Support Centre
- Office of the General Counsel
- Justice Infrastructure and Assets
- Justice Finance.
The following issues were discussed at the JCC:
Structural changes affecting Justice agencies
The PSA sought and has assured of consultation in relation to any pending restructures and other proposed structural changes. The PSA emphasised the need for proper communication and consideration of Work, Health and Safety issues during structural change.
The PSA raised concerns about previous restructures such as DTS and Office of General Counsel, particularly in relation to recruitment processes. The PSA noted the improvements in the latest Change Management plans, such as the adoption of matching processes for available roles and attempts to reduce the impact of restructures on staff.
The PSA will continue to liaise with the Department in relation to restructures to ensure our members’ interests are protected.
Work, Health and Safety
There was agreement with the Department about the need to develop effective Work, Health and Safety structures in the workplace in order to ensure a safe working environment for our members. The PSA offered to work with the Department on this important issue and will retain Work Health and Safety as a standing item on the JCC Agenda.
People Matters Survey and Workplace Culture
The PSA noted that the 2017 People Matters Survey identified areas where there needs to be an improvement in workplace culture and the Department discussed initiatives in this area. The Department and the PSA agreed that an important step in improving workplace culture is to develop leadership and managerial capability within the Department.
Grievance procedures
The PSA expressed its concern about the effectiveness of current grievance procedures. The Department advised the PSA that a new Grievance Procedure is being developed. It will be provided to the PSA for consultation.
Agency contractors
The PSA raised objections about the use of agency contractors for ongoing work. The PSA advised there should be public sector recruitment for ongoing roles to ensure a stable and secure workforce.
The Department advised it has put into place processes to review the engagement of agency contractors to ensure a more appropriate balance between public servants and agency contractors.
The PSA also reminded the Department of the IRC Recommendation that the use of agency contractors as Supervisors is a breach of the Award. The PSA will continue to advise the Department if it believes that the Award and IRC Recommendation is being breached.
On-call allowance
The PSA discussed the need to develop policy in this area.
Training and development
The PSA identified that there needs to be better and more equitable access to training and development opportunities.
The PSA also noted that there needs to be better transparency in recruitment processes, particularly in relation to temporary roles. The PSA will advise the relevant agency where it has particular concerns.
Flexible working practices
The PSA raised the issue of flexible working practices and indicated there needs to be more equitable access to measures such as working from home.
Local consultation
During the JCC the PSA and Department of Justice committed to building consultation in the individual sections to ensure timely and effective resolution of matters in the workplace.
The PSA is contacting the managers of the individual Corporate Services areas to establish an ongoing consultation framework and invites members to provide feedback about issues of concern or changes affecting your workplace.
Your PSA staff are:
Susan Emery – PSA Industrial Officer
Surabi Alauddin – PSA Organiser
Martin Robinson – PSA Organiser
Your PSA delegates are:
Strategic Human Resources – Jessica Woodruff
Digital Technology Services – Joshua Dixon
The PSA are looking for delegates in all areas of Justice Corporate Services. If you are interested, get in touch with your PSA Organiser.
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at: https://membership.psa.asn.au/register
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Post this bulletin up on your workplace noticeboard.
- Update your workplace details at – https://psa.asn.au/update-your-details/
United we Bargain, Divided we Beg – a unionised workplace is a fairer one!