Meeting for Ministry of Health members this Wednesday
Join our Organiser Alex Sala, Women’s Officer, Simone Scalmer, and local Delegates for our monthly meeting. We’ll be discussing current workplace issues, the upcoming Joint Consultative Committee meeting, an update from the PSA Women’s Unit and the benefits of being a PSA member.
Date Wednesday 1 May 2024
Time 11:00am-12:15pm
Venue Room 1RR – 1.S.7, MoH St Leonards
A Teams link has been included for those of you who would like to join the meeting remotely.
Meeting ID 494 697 932 580
Passcode jskvMm
Let us know if you have any items or questions for the agenda by contacting any of the people below.
Julie Westacott
Peter Gilfedder
John Bertacco