Ministry of Health and PSA Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) Meeting – 27 June 2023
Your PSA team met with the Secretary for Health, Ms Susan Pearce AM and senior Ministery representatives to discuss matters relating to staff and members.
Ms Pearce was a welcome attendee to the meeting and has committed to attend future JCC’s as best as she can. With oversite for the whole of NSW Health system it was great to hear her express an interest in staff and their wellbeing. She advised that she is committed to engage with staff and employee representatives. We raised our belief that cost savings could be made by engaging more staff directly to conduct work in-house instead of out-sourcing and use of consultants.
Ergo Safety Program
The Ministry provided a presentation on an on-line Ergo Safety Program to assist with both working from home and working in the office.
The program is to assist staff to make their workplace (whether at home or in office) more suited from an ergonomic viewpoint. Many of the changes suggested by the program will not involve costs.
The program is still in development stage and will include a pilot and consultation prior to implementation
The Strategic Communications and Engagement Branch restructure has now been finalised.
Regulatory Compliance Branch and Workforce Planning and Development Branch now in stage three of the reorganisation process and an external recruitment phase is now underway.
There have been no redundancies as a result of these restructures.
Legal and Regulatory Services and Pharmaceutical Services consultation phase has just concluded. They will be progressing through Stage one for the direct placement of staff.
If you are impacted by a restructure, please contact our Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 for advice and support.
The PSA raised concerns relating to some Branches restricting staff access to their flex-time entitlements. This included staff not being allowed to work more than 7 hours in a day, even when there was work available.
Workplace Relations advised they will raise this with all Branch Heads and reiterate the Flex Policy.
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You can support the work of the PSA and delegates to get better outcomes for everyone just by asking your colleagues to JOIN the PSA.